Transparency in Project Management

The following chart shows the projects since the year 2000 that COAGRO has received funding for. 

COAGRO Summary of Projects 2000 to 2016
COAGRO Resumen de proyectos 2000 a 2016
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Year Projects NGO Agreements Organizational Benefits Province (Place) Amount (USD) Status of Project
2003 Implementation Project of organic gardens and marketing. Horizont 3000 Austria “Grupo MIA”: Provision of equipment, knowledge in agricultural practices, and marketing. Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi 8,000 USD Executed
2004 Strengthening Project of the marketing center of organic, horticultural products of COAGRO. FONDO AJIL The women’s group of “Jatun Ñan”: Adjust the sales and distribution center with the goal of marketing the organic products. Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi 6,000 USD Executed 
2004 Genetic Improvement Project of guinea pig breeding and raising chickens. CNCD  Belgium The women’s groups of Luis Freire, La Esperanza, Barrio el Rosario, Guallaro Grande, Guallaro Chico, Cananvalle, Bario Pasquel, Grupo MIA and Cajas. Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo -Tupigachi, Tabacundo, La Esperanza 15,000 USD Executed 
2006 Integral Development Project of the Pedro Moncayo county: savings and credit unions formed by their own management and executed by COAGRO.  CEPESIU The communities of Cananvalle, La Alegría, Grupo MIA, Pukalpa, Guallero Grande, Nueva Esperanza and Luis Freire: formation of savings and credit unions, technical assistance, and following up with said unions. Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi 3,000 USD Executed 

Five-year Belgian Program


  • Socioeconomic Diagnosis:  for small producers in training and legalization by “APM”.
  • Integral Project: Production Projects, Marketing Projects and Organizational Strengthening Project


Association PARTENAIRE of Belgium

From “APM”, Alliance of Small Producers:


  • Training and organizational support
  • Help in the production, commercialization, and management within the area of production.


Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo-Tabacundo 380,000 USD Executed 
2007 Installation Project, micro-finance producer of dairy products. AMS – GERMANY The women’s group of “Jatun Ñan” of “Cajas Jurídica”: Maximum use of resources and improvement of the local economy. Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi 10,000 USD Executed 
2008 Project with “MIES”, in support of training and marketing with small producers. MIES “APM”: Support in training, procurement of materials, and technical monitoring. Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tabacundo 150,000 USD Executed 
2011 Installation Project of the cheese factory and strengthening the tank’s operations. USAID The group “Jatun Ñan”: Support in marketing milk and processed products. Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi 5,000 USD Executed
2012 Improvement Project of comprehensive farmer pastures, proper management of natural resources, and a fair for organic products. PARTENAIRE of Belgium The farmer families of Tabacundo, Tupigachi and La Esperanza: Support for healthy, organic production, and comprehensive training for small farmers. Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo –Tupigachi, Tabacundo, and La Esperanza 20,000 USD Executed 
2012 Project for the promotion of a milk cooling tank.  FONDO AJIL The community of San Pablito de Agualongo, “El Lecherito”: Strengthening productive capacity and marketing of milk. Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi 6,000 USD Executed 
2012 Strengthening Project of milk production and marketing associative rural microfinance groups/PRODULACCSA project. ETM- Europe The producers of Cajas Jurídica, and San Pablito de Agualongo: Help in strengthening productive capacities. Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo – Tupigachi 9,000 USD Executed 
2012 Agreement to develop organic gardens with women in rural communities. OBERLE Foundation The 4 associative women’s groups of “Sumak Sisa”, “Wiñay Sisa”, “Mushuk Muyu” and “El Lecherito”: Support and training for the organic gardens. Imbabura and Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo and Otavalo 5,000 USD Executed 
2013 Implementation Project and adaptation of the micro-dairy group, PRODULACCSA. FONDO AJIL The associative women’s group of “Jatun Ñan”: Help to get the municipality operating license for the production of cheese. Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi 9,000 USD Executed 
2014 Adequacy Project for the host family houses who receive volunteers. OBERLE Foundation The host families of San Pablito de Agualongo: Financial support for investment in materials and renovation of rooms (for volunteers). Pedro Moncayo- San Pablito de Agualongo 3,000 USD Executed 
2014-2017 Integral Emancipation Project and empowerment of women through food sovereignty and marketing. AMS -  GERMANY 4 associative women’s groups of “Sumak Sisa”, “Wiñay Sisa”, “Mushuk  Muyu” and “El Lecherito”: Support and improvement of vegetable and milk production. Imbabura and Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo and Otavalo 250,000 USD Executed 
2016 Support of two solitary credit unions. OBERLE Foundation The “Jatun Ñan” and “Grupo MIA” groups: Promoting and strengthening local, microcredit practices. Pinchincha - Pedro Moncayo -Tupigachi 4,000 USD Active
2016 Supportive Project to implement a warehouse for agricultural tools and resources. OBERLE Foundation The associative group, “El Lecherito”: Training and support for the creation of a warehouse. Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo – San Pablito de Agualongo 1,500 USD Active 
2017 Implementation of good practices in agrosilvopasture that will contribute to the sostenible management of natural resources and to  the decrease in greenhouse gases. German embassy The associative groups of "Mushuk Yuyay" and "Wiñay Sisa" : support and improvement of milk production Imbabura - Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Otavalo 10,000 USD Active
2018 COAGRO's self management through the design and marketing of boxes for exportation roses' packaging OBERLE foundation COAGRO Foundation Tabacundo 27300 USD Active
2018 Capacitation and training center for the rural youth.   Yachana Wasi : rural youth association Tupigachi 12880 USD Active
2018 Administrative support Harjo Kars, Dutch volunteer COAGRO's different projects Holland   Active