The following chart shows the projects since the year 2000 that COAGRO has received funding for.
Year | Projects | NGO Agreements | Organizational Benefits | Province (Place) | Amount (USD) | Status of Project |
2003 | Implementation Project of organic gardens and marketing. | Horizont 3000 Austria | “Grupo MIA”: Provision of equipment, knowledge in agricultural practices, and marketing. | Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi | 8,000 USD | Executed |
2004 | Strengthening Project of the marketing center of organic, horticultural products of COAGRO. | FONDO AJIL | The women’s group of “Jatun Ñan”: Adjust the sales and distribution center with the goal of marketing the organic products. | Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi | 6,000 USD | Executed |
2004 | Genetic Improvement Project of guinea pig breeding and raising chickens. | CNCD Belgium | The women’s groups of Luis Freire, La Esperanza, Barrio el Rosario, Guallaro Grande, Guallaro Chico, Cananvalle, Bario Pasquel, Grupo MIA and Cajas. | Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo -Tupigachi, Tabacundo, La Esperanza | 15,000 USD | Executed |
2006 | Integral Development Project of the Pedro Moncayo county: savings and credit unions formed by their own management and executed by COAGRO. | CEPESIU | The communities of Cananvalle, La Alegría, Grupo MIA, Pukalpa, Guallero Grande, Nueva Esperanza and Luis Freire: formation of savings and credit unions, technical assistance, and following up with said unions. | Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi | 3,000 USD | Executed |
2006-2010 |
Five-year Belgian Program
Association PARTENAIRE of Belgium |
From “APM”, Alliance of Small Producers:
Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo-Tabacundo | 380,000 USD | Executed |
2007 | Installation Project, micro-finance producer of dairy products. | AMS – GERMANY | The women’s group of “Jatun Ñan” of “Cajas Jurídica”: Maximum use of resources and improvement of the local economy. | Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi | 10,000 USD | Executed |
2008 | Project with “MIES”, in support of training and marketing with small producers. | MIES | “APM”: Support in training, procurement of materials, and technical monitoring. | Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tabacundo | 150,000 USD | Executed |
2011 | Installation Project of the cheese factory and strengthening the tank’s operations. | USAID | The group “Jatun Ñan”: Support in marketing milk and processed products. | Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi | 5,000 USD | Executed |
2012 | Improvement Project of comprehensive farmer pastures, proper management of natural resources, and a fair for organic products. | PARTENAIRE of Belgium | The farmer families of Tabacundo, Tupigachi and La Esperanza: Support for healthy, organic production, and comprehensive training for small farmers. | Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo –Tupigachi, Tabacundo, and La Esperanza | 20,000 USD | Executed |
2012 | Project for the promotion of a milk cooling tank. | FONDO AJIL | The community of San Pablito de Agualongo, “El Lecherito”: Strengthening productive capacity and marketing of milk. | Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi | 6,000 USD | Executed |
2012 | Strengthening Project of milk production and marketing associative rural microfinance groups/PRODULACCSA project. | ETM- Europe | The producers of Cajas Jurídica, and San Pablito de Agualongo: Help in strengthening productive capacities. | Pichincha – Pedro Moncayo – Tupigachi | 9,000 USD | Executed |
2012 | Agreement to develop organic gardens with women in rural communities. | OBERLE Foundation | The 4 associative women’s groups of “Sumak Sisa”, “Wiñay Sisa”, “Mushuk Muyu” and “El Lecherito”: Support and training for the organic gardens. | Imbabura and Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo and Otavalo | 5,000 USD | Executed |
2013 | Implementation Project and adaptation of the micro-dairy group, PRODULACCSA. | FONDO AJIL | The associative women’s group of “Jatun Ñan”: Help to get the municipality operating license for the production of cheese. | Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo - Tupigachi | 9,000 USD | Executed |
2014 | Adequacy Project for the host family houses who receive volunteers. | OBERLE Foundation | The host families of San Pablito de Agualongo: Financial support for investment in materials and renovation of rooms (for volunteers). | Pedro Moncayo- San Pablito de Agualongo | 3,000 USD | Executed |
2014-2017 | Integral Emancipation Project and empowerment of women through food sovereignty and marketing. | AMS - GERMANY | 4 associative women’s groups of “Sumak Sisa”, “Wiñay Sisa”, “Mushuk Muyu” and “El Lecherito”: Support and improvement of vegetable and milk production. | Imbabura and Pichincha- Pedro Moncayo and Otavalo | 250,000 USD | Executed |
2016 | Support of two solitary credit unions. | OBERLE Foundation | The “Jatun Ñan” and “Grupo MIA” groups: Promoting and strengthening local, microcredit practices. | Pinchincha - Pedro Moncayo -Tupigachi | 4,000 USD | Active |
2016 | Supportive Project to implement a warehouse for agricultural tools and resources. | OBERLE Foundation | The associative group, “El Lecherito”: Training and support for the creation of a warehouse. | Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo – San Pablito de Agualongo | 1,500 USD | Active |
2017 | Implementation of good practices in agrosilvopasture that will contribute to the sostenible management of natural resources and to the decrease in greenhouse gases. | German embassy | The associative groups of "Mushuk Yuyay" and "Wiñay Sisa" : support and improvement of milk production | Imbabura - Pichincha - Pedro Moncayo - Otavalo | 10,000 USD | Active |
2018 | COAGRO's self management through the design and marketing of boxes for exportation roses' packaging | OBERLE foundation | COAGRO Foundation | Tabacundo | 27300 USD | Active |
2018 | Capacitation and training center for the rural youth. | Yachana Wasi : rural youth association | Tupigachi | 12880 USD | Active | |
2018 | Administrative support | Harjo Kars, Dutch volunteer | COAGRO's different projects | Holland | Active |